Comments on: The Project Delivery Strategy/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/Project and stakeholder management topicsSun, 17 Feb 2013 08:29:51 +0000hourly1 PMBOK #5 standardises its approach to planning | Aavssitedev’s Blog/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-2346Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:29:51 +0000/?p=1071#comment-2346[…] On a more general level, and applicable to projects of all sizes, there is a need to formulate the project delivery strategy before any realistic planning is possible. Answering the question ‘what’s the best way to achieve our objectives?’ frames the project planning and later the delivery. In software development choosing ‘agile’ over ‘waterfall’ as the delivery strategy changes everything else (for more on managing Agile see: Thoughts on Agile). The project objective of functioning software can be achieved either way, which strategy is best depends on the specific circumstances of the project (See our earlier post on project delivery strategy) […]

By: PMBOK #5 standardises its approach to planning « Stakeholder Management's Blog/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-2345Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:19:35 +0000/?p=1071#comment-2345[…] On a more general level, and applicable to projects of all sizes, there is a need to formulate the project delivery strategy before any realistic planning is possible. Answering the question ‘what’s the best way to achieve our objectives?’ frames the project planning and later the delivery. In software development choosing ‘agile’ over ‘waterfall’ as the delivery strategy changes everything else (for more on managing Agile see: Thoughts on Agile). The project objective of functioning software can be achieved either way, which strategy is best depends on the specific circumstances of the project (See our earlier post on project delivery strategy) […]

By: Pat Weaver/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-677Thu, 10 Feb 2011 01:23:49 +0000/?p=1071#comment-677On a lighter note: strategy is philosophical, planning is tactical. Dilbert has been a source of PM information and instruction for a decade or more:

The philosophical nature of effective strategic thinking is probably best defined by the Monty Python crew…… (the clip contains rude words…)

By: Pat Weaver/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-672Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:47:56 +0000/?p=1071#comment-672In reply to craig brown.

The project plan (or plans: cost, time, quality, etc) define how the strategy will be implemented to deliver the scope required by the customer. The project is guaranteed to fail if the wrong strategy is selected.

By: craig brown/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-671Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:31:56 +0000/?p=1071#comment-671Is project t delivery strategy a new mar for s project plan? Has the project plan become something else?

Confused Craig

By: Pat Weaver/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-668Sun, 06 Feb 2011 20:55:21 +0000/?p=1071#comment-668In reply to Parallel Project Training.

As Sun Tzu said….
1. All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
2. Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

You need both!

By: ibrahim/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-667Sun, 06 Feb 2011 15:51:13 +0000/?p=1071#comment-667Good post,usful and systematic.
I alaways notice some crosses between delivery and quality, so where to stand!

By: Parallel Project Training/2011/02/06/the-project-delivery-strategy/#comment-666Sun, 06 Feb 2011 10:30:33 +0000/?p=1071#comment-666Many of the project managers I meet are very focused on tactics. If you mention project strategy then you get a very blank response. Very few of the PMs have any input to tendering or business planning of projects. Hence the ability to influence strategy is significantly by the time project manager get on the scene. This is not to say that strategy isn’t vitally important in project success but it may explain why the topic gets so little discussion.
