When Rain Was the Only Witness

It is a rainy evening when the bus leaves her alone in the bus stop. After searching her bag she gets to know that she forgot to bring her umbrella. It is raining so hard that once she thinks of waiting in the bus stop and then suddenly some moments come to her mind from her past. Almost 6 years have passed but she starts to shiver once again.

That was also a rainy evening. All day it was raining continuously. It was raining so hard that things at one hand distance were not visible. She was all alone on the street, tried to open her umbrella but due to the heavy rain it broke. She had no choice but to wait under the shade of bus stop. Due to bad weather she could not contact with her family through mobile phone.

Almost 20 minutes had passed. Suddenly she heard some footsteps coming towards her. Being completely unaware of the fact what was going to happen, she thought that at least she got some people to talk to. A stupid thought indeed! Few seconds passed and some “mustan” type guys were seen. She started praying to God to send someone known to her or to send a bus or taxi so that she could run away from that place.

Just 10 minutes had passed and she saw them staring at her. And suddenly one of them approached her. Being unable to run away, she tried to shout out but he caught her and kept her mouth shut forcefully. And when she realized their intention, it was too late.

They threw her on the road like a piece of garbage leaving her half-dead. It was still raining.  She was not feeling any pain, sadness, anger or shame.  She was not crying or I should rather say she could not cry with her dry eyes. She was not shouting for help. The only thing she could feel was that rain was washing her with drops of purity.

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