STILL 143!

CHAPTER II: The Sad Part

It was almost 6 months till I broke up with Dwij who was messing my life for a long time. I know that I am pretty and for this till now I got so many proposals. And that Dog could not bear it and at last I broke up with him when he abused me for the second time! I stopped contacting him. And that pervert disturbed me like hell! At that time I was suffering from depression for losing the worst guy I have ever seen in my life! But when you have friends like Urja (my best buddy) and Giinni (the sweetest girl in my life), you just can’t be sad! They wanted me to give him a damn and to party hard as I got rid of him! Finally I was happy to be single as I could lead my life in my own way. No fights, no abusive words, no lying to parents, no mood offs, no hurting. I did not know that happier moments were waiting for me.

(If you have no clue what is happening here, please check /2013/08/12/still-143/)

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