High on History – Hampi

From the splendor of past to a saddening ending to a place with substantial historical importance- Hampi, the last great Hindu Kingdom in South India, has seen it all.

Instead of weed, I got high on History in Hampi. There is a distinct vantage point of Hampi apart from the hippie culture. This post is all about the ancient memoir of the Vijaynagara empire, the monolithic architectures and the shaded grandeur from the past. In short: if you looking for a post that would provide details of where to get “High” in Hampi, please buzz off! I had a weekend trip to Hampi from Pune starting on Friday night and ending on Monday morning. It was more like a heritage tour for me.

Stone Chariot of Vijay Vitthala Temple

History: Located on the banks of Tungabhadra river in Karnataka, a religious and trading hub, Hampi was the capital of Vijaynagara Empire in 14th century. The glorious past depicts the story of an enriched city with wealth and prosperity till the end of Tulu dynasty. All the splendour faded when Muslim Sultans defeated the empire, looted and destroyed Vijayanagara turning it into ruins.

Ugra Narasimha Temple

After a 12 hours journey from Pune to Hospet (Distance: 600 kilometers), when I reached Hospete, it was 11 am. The hustle and bustle of finding a hotel, checking room, settling down , having a wash and lunch took 2 hours (pfft!) and finally I started exploring the place around 1pm. The road was in a good condition so it took half an hour to reach Hampi from Hospete(Distance: 12 kilometers). I’ll try to provide as much information as possible.

Please note that as it was a religious center, temples are a significant part of this trip. All these ancient monuments are spread over 26 kilometers and the most convenient way to travel the ruins is by Auto, car or cycle. Auto will charge as per your bargaining skill ranging from Rs. 600-1500/- per day.

Virupaksha Temple

The view points of Hampi can be divided into three areas as mentioned below. These are the must-visit spots: Virupaksha Temple, Vijay Vitthala Temple, Ugra Narasimha Temple, Lotus Mahal and Mahanavami Dibba. Most of the below mentioned places don’t have any entry fee and can be visited from 6am-6pm.

One: You can see the photos in the slideshow by clicking the right/left arrow.

  • Saasivekaalu Ganesha,
  • Kadalekalu Ganesh,
  • Virupaksha Temple,
  • Hampi Bazar,
  • Krishna Temple and Krishna Bazar,
  • Ugra Narasimha Temple,
  • Badavilinga Temple


  • Underground Shiva Temple,
  • Sister Stone,
  • Zenana Enclosure with Lotus Mahal, Elephant Stable and Ranga Temple
  • Hazara Rama Temple,
  • Pan Supari Bazar,
  • Royal Enclosure, Mahanavami Dibba and Pushkarini,
  • Queens Bath,
  • Archaeological Museum


  • Bheema’s Gate
  • Gejjala Mantapa
  • Vijay Vitthala Temple
  • King’s Balance

Here are few information about Hampi:

  • One entry ticket can be used to enter Zenana Enclosure, Vijay Vitthala Temple and Archeological Museum Hampi. It costs Rs. 40/- for Indians and it is valid for one day only. So it is advisable to visit these places on the same day. Lotus Mahal, Elephant Stable, Ranga Temple are situated in and around the compound of Zenana Enclosure.
  • The best time to visit Hampi is during Hampi Utsav that occurs on January/February.
  • Don’t miss the Coracle ride. It is a round shaped boat. Please note that the service pauses during rain. Unfortunately the weather was not with me and I missed it.
  • You can enjoy sunset at Hemakuta Hill or Matanga Hill.
  • Here are few spots I could not visit due to lack of time: Archeological Museum , Yantrodharaka Hanuman Temple and Achyutaraya Temple.
That’s your blogger at the banks of Tungabhadra.

25 thoughts on “High on History – Hampi

  1. Reading other blogs is always an interesting experience – I really enjoyed yours – it gave me a perspective I hadn’t expected. Others are often from bloggers visiting new places, not in there own country, so you get an outsiders view looking in. Views of your own culture can be more Insightful as yours are – Thankyou for enriching my day. Good luck with your further travels and stay safe. Nigel.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you for inviting me to your blog. India is a very important place in my life when my father lived there for three years in WWII. He came to know and love the way the businessmen made you want to buy their goods, with a smile. He admired their tenacity. He wanted to go back. The worship of many gods, but where is Buddah? What a wonderful way to see such ancient ways of life. Thank you again!!

    Liked by 1 person

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