
Tag Archives: PMOZ

The PMOz program gets Gritty… Relevant… Inspiring!

The PMOz program is now finalised with the announcement of keynote presenter, the legendary social and political commentator, columnist, author and sporting hero Peter FitzSimons. In addition to Peter’s keynote, leadership has become a key subject string at PMOz this year – among other’s Dr. Lynda Bourne’s workshop on Wednesday morning is looking at the challenge of leading upwards – the subtle art of advising upwards to manage your manager (see more on Advising Upwards).

Check out more of the great speakers presenting at PMOz in Melbourne this September. CLICK HERE for the full program

10th Annual Project Management Australia Conference
Project Driving and Sustaining the Future of the Australian Economy
Location: Grand Hyatt Melbourne
Date: 17-18 September 2013

PMOz registration packages have been designed to allow greater flexibility to suit varying budgets and schedules. Whether you are an early-riser, a 9-5er or want to immerse yourself in learning for 2 days – there is a package to suit you! With registrations starting from just $490 – don’t miss out.

To register or find out more please CLICK HERE.

Stakeholder Management Supporting Senior Managers’ Executive Round Table

Stakeholder Management Pty Ltd is co-sponsoring the 2013 Senior Managers’ Executive Round Table that is being run in conjunction with ISSEC  and PMOz.

Hosted by  Kirk Botula, CEO of the CMMI Institute and supported by a range of industry experts, the Executive Round Table is a strategic level forum which aims to address the question: Achieving Business Value through Program Success – why is change so ‘hit and miss?

This is an exclusive event, separate from the rest of the ISSEC and PMOz conference programs open to executives and senior-level management – invitation only!  The round table’s goal is to promote and encourage dialogue and sharing of lessons learned among peers. The key benefits of attending the Round Table are:

  • Collaboratively defining potential solutions to the current challenges faced by organisations;
  • Using real data on the benefits and returns-on-investment from implementing proven methods to address these challenges; and
  • Learning from the presenters and each others experiences.

This fully hosted event is an initiative of the Systems and Software Quality Institute and PMGlobal and will be run in conjunction with ISSEC and PMOz.

Venue: Grand Hyatt Melbourne
Date: Wednesday 18 September, 2013
Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm

The good news is that as sponsors of this exclusive event, we have a limited number of invitations available – if you would like to join the ‘round table’ call or email our office before the 3rd September

PMOZ Excitement

The 2013 Project Governance and Controls Symposium held in Canberra last week was a great success – and planning for 2014 is underway, based on our first event, the Autumn Symposium in Canberra will become a highlight in the project controls and governance communities annual calendar!

Now to move onto PMOZ – PM Global’s major spring conference. We have been working hard on a revamp to make the program more flexible, accessible and exciting and moved to a city centre venue.

PMOZ 2013 will be held at the Grand Hyatt , Collins St., Melbourne from the 17th to 16th September (see more:

And, the framework for the conference program has been completely updated:

Tuesday Outline

Wednesday Outline

Early risers can attend an extended morning session on one or both days, and on Tuesday there is an extended twilight session.

‘9-to-5ers’ attend the normal PMOZ conference and for the dedicated ‘Dawn to Duskers’ you have access to everything an maximise PDUs ……

Each day starts with a focused workshop available to Early Birds and ‘Dawn to Duskers’ and there’s a similar twilight workshop on Tuesday for the Twilighters and ‘Dawn to Duskers’. Each workshop topic will be backed up by focused papers on the same general topic in the rest of the ‘half day’. Some of the options being considers for these three focused streams include :

  • Business requirements and the role of BAs
  • Positive dispute management – use facilitated options to avoid a costly fight.
  • Change management and value – the critical back end of project delivery
  • Project management in ‘Not for Profit’ and volunteer organisations with a focus on disaster recovery.

Four potentially hot topics and only three half days, we still have decisions to make……

In addition, the three main focuses of PMOZ remain in the program as well:

  • Projects in organisations, focused on project governance, innovation, portfolio and program management, leading to the delivery of benefits and value.
  • Planning and controls, focused on the tools and techniques required for effective project and program management. If the topic is a tool, technique or process used in project, program or portfolio management this stream is place to be!!
  • People and the profession, focused on the people side of project and program management, all of the hard to use soft skills.

As in previous years, a blend of academic and practitioner papers will be presented on a wide range of topics within each theme. The call for abstracts is being extended to allow time for potential presenters to adjust to this new structure – all papers and suggestions are welcome.

Attending this new, dynamic and exciting event is altogether different – first you need to decide which registration option is best for you and then nearer to the day, which of the streams to attend during your time at the conference, there has always been a choice of excellent presentations – it has now become more challenging! Perhaps we need a workshop on decision making? Alternatively you can use our White Paper on Decision Making to help you choose.

We look forward to seeing you in September.

Looking to earn PDUs / CPD in a great learning environment?

A few interesting options to consider:

  1. The Construction CPM Conference in New Orleans –
    Its not too late – we fly out Thursday to enjoy a couple of days in the ‘Big Easy’ before the kick off Sunday evening (27th Jan.)
  2. The Project Zone Congress in Frankfurt 18th & 19th March –
    One of Europe’s leading international conference and the good news – readers of this blog can claim a 10% discount by enter the code PZ2012_MEDIA02E0AC81 into the discount code field.
    I cannot make this year but we are planning on being there in 2014.
  3. A specialised and highly focused Governance and Controls Symposium to be held in Canberra on 10th April – The call for papers still open and if you are serious about the contribution of project controls to value creation this is a must be at event.
  4. Later in the year PMOz in Melbourne, 17th & 18th September – Australian’s best PM networking conference –

PMOz Rocks!!!

Who says project management is boring? The delegates at this year’s PMOz conference have not only enjoyed a wide range of high quality papers ranging from project managing particle physics at CERN to the valuing of soft skills, but also the best project management party anywhere (officially networking…).

Some images from last night’s event:

The Piano Lounge

The games room…..

The ‘after-party’

It’s just as well today’s opening keynote is from the Lazy Project Manager (Peter Taylor) – we need some strong coffee to re-set the brain for day 2.

The more serious ‘stuff’ will be on the PM Global website at soon.

PMOZ Grill the Experts

‘Grill the Expert’s’ has been highly rated in previous years and is shaping up to be even better this year! If a project management problem is causing you a lack of sleep, be at the plenary session on the morning of Thursday 16th – you should get an answer!!

The 2012 panel includes:
Pierrre Bonnell, Europe – a professor at CERN, his particles go faster then rockets…..
Peter Taylor, UK – the ‘Lazy Project Manager’.
Lisa Wolf, USA – a senior manager with Booze Hamilton Allen.
Lynn Crawford, Bond University – Professor of Project Management.
Bob McGannon, Canberra – inventor of ‘Intelligent Disobedience’

If you can’t make the full conference, book the day or even the session – the diverse backgrounds of this panel are sure to make for an interesting debate, all that’s needed is the questions. For more information, see

PMOZ – Two Weeks to go

PMOZ is now only 2 weeks away – this year’s conference has a raft of new ideas to provide delegates and speakers alike with better learning and networking opportunities and an improved social program to boot.

It’s not too late to book your place at Australia’s most innovative project management conference! I look forward to seeing you there:

PMOz – Program Finalised

I have just finished writing short one sentence abstracts for the PMOz program sheet that’s part of the delegate pack. I have to say there is are going to be many difficult choices of the best paper to attend across the three primary streams of Methodologies and certifications, Planning and controls and Projects in Organisations and that’s before taking into account the ISSEC papers PMOz delegates can attend if they so choose.

Its not too late to book your attendance at what is likely to be one of the best project management conferences this year. I cannot think of a better way to earn PDUs, learn new things and have some serious fun! The PMOz dates are 14th to 16th August and the place to be is: Sebel and Citgate Albert Park, Melbourne. I look forward to seeing you at the ‘Welcome Reception’ on the 14th; for more information see:

PMOz 2012

PMOz is Australia’s leading independent project management conference focused on creating an environment for the cross pollination of ideas; speakers from ICT mix with construction, engineering and mining, academics with partitioners. The streamed approach keeps relevant papers together, projects in organisations, methodologies and certifications and project controls but within this framework, the new insights to be gained from listening to other peoples approach to resolving you problems, or challenges is unique to PMOz.

The opportunities to experience new ideas do not stop with the PMOz program! PMOz collocates with the iSSEC (Systems & Software Engineering Conference) each year and delegates are free to pick which sessions to attend out of either program.

Whilst some of the iSSEC papers are very technical, there is a significant overlap between systems engineering and project management that works to the benefit of both sets of delegates. It helps to understand each other! As the old joke goes: To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty. To the systems engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Early bird registrations for PMOz are now open, we are assembling a great line up of speakers and the program for 2012 look like being the best yet (but as part of the committee I’m biased).

For more information see:

PMOZ becomes a Not For Profit foundation

Starting with the 2012 PMOZ conference that will be run in Melbourne from August 14th to 16th, the profits from the conference will be invested in developing the project management profession in Australia through the PM Global Foundation.

Mosaic has been a long term support of PMOZ as an independent, cross-industry conference that allows delegates to tap into the best new thinking from all sources. We are confident this new initiative will further enhance both the independence and the value of the conference and look forward to continuing our support.

For additional information, down load the PM Global press release.