
Construction CPM Conference 2013

The Construction CPM conference is over for another year but will remain in our memories for a very long time to come! Combining a high quality conference – probably the best CPM / Scheduling conference in the world, with New Orleans during Mardi Gras was an inspired idea even if it means several weeks of exercise and dieting…..

Our thanks to Fred and Kim Plotnick for organising and hosting the conference and we look forward to coming back in the future. A few of our highlights were:

Seeing a real swamp with alligators and a top tour guide ….

The jazz, Preservation Hall, buskers and Bourbon Street…. Plus the food, the locals and the delegates at the conference. Not to mention papers and insights from many of the worlds leading practitioners and developers of CPM software,

Feeling jealous? Plans for the conference include:
2014: Disney World Florida.
2015: West Cost possibly San Diageo.
2022: New Orleans again.

Stay in touch and plan your attendance at:

PS: We were there for work as well as fun, see: Our previous post

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