
Guild of Project Controls Compendium and Reference (GPCCAR)

The global community of time and cost practitioners / managers are collaborating to develop The Guild of Project Controls Compendium and Reference (GPCCAR) .  The GPCCAR is a suite of process-based documents that demonstrate what 1000’s of contributors believe constitutes Project Controls.

The GPCCAR is intended to be an evolving global statement as to what we, the practitioners, believe constitutes our role as “project controllers”. The exciting part is that anyone with an opinion (and justification) is free to propose amendments and additional references.

The first section has been released; each week ‘The Guild’ be releasing the next module. At the footer of each of the Modules there are details of how you can get involved to change or improve upon this initial baseline.

To access the GPCCAR see:

Registration is required, membership of the Planning Planet web community (free – you just need to create a profile), or the Guild of Project Controls.

The Guild of Project Controls will be using the GPCCAR to underpin its emerging project controls certification framework.

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