
Earned Schedule 20th Anniversary Celebrations

We have supported two initiatives focused on celebrating the 20th anniversary of the launch of Earned Schedule in 2003. Earned Schedule (ES) resolved the long-standing dilemma of the EVM schedule indicators providing inaccurate information for late performing projects. ES provides the ability to predict project completion dates with more accuracy than CPM. It uses the same data as traditional EVM, but shifts the calculations from the cost axis to the time axis.

Our paper published in the March edition of PMWJ, rounds out our series on the history of Earned Value Management (EVM). Earned Schedule – the First 20 Years, traces the attempts to use EVM data to predict project completion dates from the 1990s through to the current time, including the development of ES during its first 20 years.

Download all of our EVM history papers, including Earned Schedule – the First 20 Years from:

We were also a keen supporter of the PGCS world-wide webinar celebrating the anniversary.  All of the presentations, and information on the presenters, sponsors and supporters are now available for review in the PGCS library at:   You are encouraged to make full use of this free resource.

PGCS is a not-for-profit organization focused on helping improve project and program delivery and runs events throughout the year:

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