
PMP and CAPM Exam Updates

Most people will be aware PMI launched the 4th Edition of the PMBOK® Guide at the end of December. The PMP exam changes to the new PMBOK on the 1st July and the CAPM exam on the 1st August. Until then, the current exam is based on the old PMBOK® Guide 3rd Edition.

We are in the process of starting the update of our course materials and will be offering our Mentored Email™ courses based on the new PMBOK from the end of March. Most people take 3 or 4 months to work through the self-paced materials so this is it…..

The reason for this blog is to alert everyone to the extent of changes at the detailed level in the new PMBOK. There’s not a huge difference between the 3rd and 4th editions at the macro level but virtually every page has been re-written and improved at the detail level.

This means it is critically important for prospective candidates to pick their exam date, select the right version of the PMBOK and study to achieve their target! There will be a lot of work needed to change horses mid-race. You’ve been warned.

To double check the correct version of the PMBOK® Guide for study based on your planned exam date see the PMI Exam Calculator.

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